Roughneck Joe© Mobile Infantry "Bug-Bait Joe©"
(... and Diorama)
Continuing the legacy Roughneck Joe, a project originally started back in 1997 shortly after
the movie Starship Troopers came out. We have a series of dead Troopers: "Bug-Bait Joe"
Stay tuned for the Troop-de-jure!
Roughnecks : The Other White Meat
Trooper with upper body melted by acid, the internal organs dissolve, and the skin shrinks like beef-jerky.
Introducing: Trooper Kipper "Kip" Au Jus
"Brought to you by TrooperPX, continuing in the series of Starship Troopers 3-D Original Action Figures. The world of Roughneck Joe featured in CustomCon5 expands and is proud to present the new series 'Bug-Bait Joe'. An all new line of deceased Troopers, dispatched in all nastiness of ways by various Arachnid Warriors. Rasczak"s Roughnecks come across another squad of Troopers, decimated by Arachnid Forces."
"Extremely visceral. Citizen Dave's work captures the grotesque body count in all it's detail. From the intestines spilling out from the belly of one Trooper, to the acid-melted skeletal remains of another. I found the squished eyeballs very realistic and almost nauseating. Although wonderfully artistic, this one went 'over-the-edge' for me."

For the heatlh-conscious arachnid...'s !
"For Trooper 'Kipper "Kip" Au Jus', a 1970's Airfix 1/6-scale skeleton was used along with small, hand-torn pieces of Kleenex tissue (coated with thinned Sobo, carefully manipulated to simulate wrinkles and tension) for skin and other damaged tissues. The custom 'meat' color was created by mixing Testors Acryl Insignia Red with Polly Scale Dirt. Pearl beads were used for the eyeballs, and thread for the retinal nerves... with more Sobo. The dirt and dust was created with ground chalk pastels applied with alcohol."
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Copyright © 1998~2005 David Ramsay, All rights reserved.
All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.

"Roughneck Joe" and "S.S.T.3.D-Original" © Copyright David Ramsay 1997~2005.
All rights reserved.
No infringement is intended or desired.
No images or text may be captured, copied, reproduced or used with out permission.
All images and information contained herein are Copyright their respective owners.
The contents of these pages, is Copyrighted by TrooperPX, as an artistic expression.
This is fan web-site and is intended solely to promote everything Starship Troopers.